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  Convert a Binary-String to a Spaced Hex-string.

  Function:    XPhexStr()

  Syntax:      XPhexStr(cBinary) --> cHex

  Arguments:   <cBinary> is any string. The result is a Hex-String
               (3 times as long), with spaces between the Hex-Chars.

  Returns:     String composed of hex-chars. With spaces between them,
               use XPbin2Hex() for no spaces.

  Usage:       XPhexStr("AB") --> "41 42 "
               XPhexStr(chr(255)+chr(0)+chr(1)) --> "FF 00 01 "

See Also: XPhex2Bin() XPbin2Hex()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson